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About Padma

About Padma

Padma Gordon is a Spiritual Guide, Embodied Mindfulness Counselor, Movement Educator, Author of Being Together: Practical Wisdom for Loving Yourself and Your Partner (published August 2020), mother and lover of life who skillfully invites people to deepen their connection to body, heart, and soul.


She teaches about life, love and relationship through the lens of awakening. People across the country choose to work with Padma when they are at a potent crossroads and are searching for deeper meaning in life or when they are in need of insightful reflection. They may be ending a relationship, desiring more purposeful work, facing an illness, grieving a loss or wanting to be more present and engaged in life. Padma assists others to turn toward what they are experiencing so that they can create movement where they are stuck, come home to themselves and thrive.


Padma has been in practice for over 10 years and draws from a variety of modalities including contemplative movement practices, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, embodiment, Somatic Gestalt, self-inquiry, and radical truth-telling. She works with individuals and facilitates groups nationwide teaching new ways of listening to the body, quieting the mind, and opening to the heart.


The depth of Padma’s embodied presence catalyzes her clients and students into new levels of self-awareness. Her life is devoted to being an ally who helps others awaken their authentic connection to self so that they may walk through the world feeling at ease in their own skin.


Praise from Clients

Without the healing sessions and guidance from Padma for the weeks leading up to my unexpected divorce, I know that the transition from married for 35 years to suddenly single would have been traumatic for me. Instead, I am able to move forward in my life with ease and grace. Deepest gratitude, Padma, for helping me to find the strength and power of my inner being!​

Pamela Stokes

Founder of Somatic Release LLC

Padma is an excellent space holder and skillful guide directing me back to my body, to what is true and what needs my attention so that change and healing may occur.

Jordan P.

Financial Consultant

Through customized hypnosis meditations I was able to rewrite the core beliefs that were limiting my life.
Padma helped me follow these old tapes to their core, through movement, talk, crying and laughing, and, as I listened to them daily I internally updated so I can be who I am in the world today. Thank you Padma!


Lauren M.

Sales Representative

My experience of Padma’s work is that whatever arises is to be welcomed and embraced. Padma facilitates self-inquiry and she's very skillful at directing me deeper into my own experience. She holds the space for me to discover exactly what I need in the moment and she knows when guidance is needed.  She gives me all the time I need to settle deeper into the truth of who I am.

Michael M.

Massage Therapist

Padma does amazing work helping you find the core of what needs attention. Her intuitive nature allows the uncovering of the real issue - sometimes issues bubble to the surface that I didn't even know were on the docket! Padma facilitates movement in my body, mind and spirit and gives me practical ways of implementing change in both my personal and professional life.


Kathleen F.

Preschool Teacher

Thank you again for our session - our work that day has really transformed how I am integrating all of my experiences and 'coming home'. I remain humbled by how powerful our session was.

Sue S.


I’ve been meaning to send you a message for some time and when I just now saw your latest video about self-acceptance I knew it was time. Thank you again for our hypnotherapy sessions and the recordings of them that we did over Skype. They have been helping me immensely these last years. My heart has really opened and I’ve become skilled at giving and receiving kindness.

I’m leaning into the sweet connections I feel with people I meet instead of reeling back with feelings of unworthiness just like you told me a thousand times by now. The power of repetition is great and wonderful if applied for something wonderful.

Erik V.


The only journey is one within.

Rainer Maria Rilke

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